速報APP / 商業 / Galway Field Officer

Galway Field Officer





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Galway Field Officer(圖1)-速報App

The best way to conduct and simplify audit by keeping track of franchisee’s activities on regular intervals.

Field Officer app is developed to simplify auditing by keeping track of franchisee’s activities on regular intervals. The main purpose of this app is to ease the audit activity conducted by Field Officers.

Galway Field Officer(圖2)-速報App

Field Officer app is developed by Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd. It is a direct selling company based in New Delhi. From many of its application, it is one of them.

Now, no more making different reports at the time of conducting audit by Field Officers, just login with the id and start putting the data of respective franchisee.

This application has many sections which help the FO to easily maintain the audit report of respective franchisee as per different department involved in any business.

Some of its features are 1. Centralized data by which Report can be retrieved any time by authorized person whenever needed. 2. Audit Tracking which ease to conduct audit smoothly and many more features ahead.